Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Holistic Wellness: A Closer Look at what it means to care for ourselves holistically

Holistic wellness is about the whole person. Just as our bodies are comprised of various systems and limbs, and we function best when our whole body is accepted, nurtured, and well, so it is with holistic wellness. We are complex human beings, and by acknowledging and caring for the whole, we are more likely to experience growth as a whole person.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Claiming Calm & Connection in the Chaos

In this way, self-care is less about this BIG thing that we do and more about small ways that we can integrate self-care into our days.

Ask Yourself: What can I do throughout the day to put myself in a calmer place, so that I can keep pouring out and keep connecting?

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Coping Day to Day and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Many days the energy required to stay safe and take care of basic needs takes precedence right now over the higher aspirations in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs--- love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

This is hard. No doubt. Let’s give grace towards ourselves when it feels like too much. Let’s give grace to each other. Prioritize basic needs like sleep and nutrition. You have to be filled up in order to pour out.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Self-Care during a Time of Global Crisis

As we as a society walk through the pandemic of the Coronavirus, we all face challenges that leave us in a vulnerable place emotionally, mentally, and for many, financially.

While it is hard to imagine that flourishing and thriving are even possible right now when most of us are understandably in a survival mode, there are stances that we can take that put us in a posture of hope and movement forward through this challenging time.

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