Coping Day to Day and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Since all of this started, I have found myself experiencing how much effort it takes to lean in to home and all that is required at home. I find that the days are actually really full with fitting in all the meals, all the dishes, the schooling of the big kids, taking care of our newborn, and trying to work and take care of myself as well. I am exhausted. I imagine that you are too.

We had a rainy and stormy Easter that lent itself to simple celebrations indoors and that culminated in a storm that night that caught us off guard and left us without power for 24 hours. We were grateful to be safe, but it was still hard.

That next day I struggled and found myself reflecting on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This experience already requires so much of us to cope with the day to day. Anything extra just feels like too much—extra like storms, no power, food that you stockpiled to reduce store trips and to celebrate Easter going bad because you are too tired to problem solve, stress about finances and providing for our children, health issues, loneliness, and grief.

 It’s amazing how on days when safety and basic needs feel more secure, and hot coffee and hot showers are readily available, how I find myself more ready to grow and aspire.

Many days the energy required to stay safe and take care of basic needs takes precedence right now over the higher aspirations in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs--- love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

This is hard. No doubt. Let’s give grace towards ourselves when it feels like too much. Let’s give grace to each other. Prioritize basic needs like sleep and nutrition. You have to be filled up in order to pour out.

And in the moments when your safety and basic needs are met, and your home is warm and comfortable, let’s keep growing together.

Press into self-care like never before through small ways that are attainable—one cup of tea, one walk, one shower, one phone call, etc., one chapter in a book, one prayer, etc. One day at a time, one step at a time.


Elizabeth B. Burton is a licensed professional counselor and life coach with Burton Counseling, PLLC. Elizabeth lives just outside of Chattanooga, TN.; you can learn about Elizabeth here and about services provided here. Elizabeth also provides support to individuals and groups through an online course on Coping with Anxiety & Stress and through providing workshops and speaking opportunities. Elizabeth communicates about mental health and well-being through both the Narrating Hope newsletter and podcast as well as through her writing. Elizabeth would love to connect with you and welcomes you to sign up for the newsletter, listen in to the podcast, reach out about working together, and connect on social media.


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