Bookending the Days: Making the Most of the Daily Transitions to Connect and Communicate Love

It’s really not about the first and the last moments being more important than the others, but it’s simply recognizing that sometimes they stick with us more in terms of how we feel. In that there’s kind of an invitation to be intentional and affirming in letting your child know of your love and care… Read more here.


Elizabeth B. Burton is a licensed professional counselor and life coach with Burton Counseling, PLLC. Elizabeth lives just outside of Chattanooga, TN.; you can learn about Elizabeth here and about services provided here. Elizabeth also provides support to individuals and groups through an online course on Coping with Anxiety & Stress and through providing workshops and speaking opportunities. Elizabeth communicates about mental health and well-being through both the Narrating Hope newsletter and podcast as well as through her writing. Elizabeth would love to connect with you and welcomes you to sign up for the newsletter, listen in to the podcast, reach out about working together, and connect on social media.


Closing the Year and Beginning a New Year Softly with Self-Compassion


Presence Instead of Perfection