Soul Care: Holistically Caring For Ourselves-physically, Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually
For a long time now I have been writing and sharing about self-care of a deeper sort. As nice as manicures, massages, and hair highlights are, there is a deeper part of us that longs for and needs nurturing. This extends beyond caring for our physical bodies, though that’s important too. It’s about attunement and nurturing of our whole selves–body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
Life-Giving Rhythms: The Value of Daily Rhythms that Sustain and Ground Us
As you consider rhythms, think about rhythms through the lens of noticing what is most LIFE-GIVING for you. In this way, you are pondering what you need most each day for sustenance and then prioritizing it. Just as flowers need sunlight, nutrition, and nurturing each day to grow and thrive, what do you need?