divorce resources
This is a resource for young children whose parents are getting divorced. In this story, the parents separate right after the kids get into some chocolate pudding and make quite a mess. This book speaks to the dynamic of children blaming themselves when something hard happens. Usually the quiet way that children internalize things and think that they caused something to happen is not talked about much, so this book can be a great tool for bringing that dynamic out into the light. It also serves to normalize a co-parenting lifestyle after a divorce in which both parents stay actively involved in their child's life.
This book seems most geared towards elementary aged kids, though parts of it could be shared with a younger child by showing the pictures and reading aspects of it that apply most to their situation. This book covers a lot of topics in a divorce ranging from why parents divorce to adjusting to new living situations to the possibility of your parent dating and then re-marrying. Depending on your family story, this may even be a helpful resource to read in stages to give the child some time to digest different aspects of what they are experiencing. I especially love the feeling normalization and the encouragement towards the child to express how he/she feels. In many ways, this could be a good resource for parents to read first as it may raise some blind spots about how they are coping themselves.
This book is a simple guide for normalizing divorce for children. It does this by touching on the various ways that families change and the adjustments involved for everyone, yet while also assuring children that the love from the parent to the child is secure. It also affirms the various emotions that children often experience when adjusting to their parents divorce and encourages the expression of those feelings, so that emotions are not bottled up.
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Elizabeth B. Burton is a licensed professional counselor and life coach with Burton Counseling, PLLC. Elizabeth lives just outside of Chattanooga, TN., and you can learn about Elizabeth here. You can learn more about working directly with Elizabeth here. Elizabeth also provides support to individuals and groups through an online course on Coping with Anxiety & Stress and through providing workshops. Elizabeth communicates about mental health and well-being through both the Narrating Hope newsletter and podcast as well as through her writing. Elizabeth would love to connect with you and welcomes you to sign up for the newsletter, listen in to the podcast, reach out about working together, and connect on social media.