mindset resources
the dot
This is a beautiful story about how we can break free of the power of an "I Can't" mindset by simply starting somewhere. In this story, Vashti believes that she can not draw. With her teacher's encouragement, Vashti ultimately draws a dot, and her teacher frames it as a work of art. This begins a powerful shift in mindset for Vashti that unleashes her creative spirit. This story reminds its readers to think and dream or simply to try even when we think we can't.
giraffes can’t dance
Gerald the giraffe was good at standing tall like a giraffe, but that was the extent of his talent. He particularly believed that he could not dance, and so he experienced great sadness in light of the upcoming, annual jungle dance. This was reinforced when the other animals teased him about how clumsy he was, leaving him feeling sad and alone. It was then that a cricket spoke into his life and told him that sometimes you just need a different song. At that point, his dancing was unleashed. I love how this story concludes with the line: "We all can dance, " he said, "when we find music that we love."
beautiful oops
This is a simple board book, which in just a few pages can gently remind children (and the adult reading the book) that mistakes can lead to beautiful opportunities. The book emphasizes this by making it applicable to something a child would understand; for example, the paint blob on a piece of paper that leads to the creation of a masterpiece instead of ruining the work. Yet, a greater message can be inferred here. Beginning to understand that mistakes and messes can in fact lead to growth and new opportunities can help us all approach life's journey with less rigidity and perfectionism and more resilience.
Ramon loved to draw, and upon receiving criticism of his work, Ramon worked hard to fill the mold to make things look just "right." Yet, he was perpetually frustrated and disappointed. When his sister spoke into this dynamic and gently showed him the power of embracing the "ish" kind of thinking and creating, Ramon was freed from striving to fit his work into such a narrow expectation and to embrace his creations for what they are. Joy is restored, and Ramon's creativity is unleashed. This story reminds its readers to have self-compassion in their creating, which of course translates into self-compassion for life!
DISCLAIMER: Elizabeth is a member of Amazon Affiliates. If you choose to buy a product from any of these links, Burton Counseling will receive a small portion of the proceeds. You may choose instead to support your local bookstore and buy directly from them. These are book recommendations with therapeutic and character education themes that may or may not be helpful. This is not therapy itself.
Elizabeth B. Burton is a licensed professional counselor and life coach with Burton Counseling, PLLC. Elizabeth lives just outside of Chattanooga, TN., and you can learn about Elizabeth here. You can learn more about working directly with Elizabeth here. Elizabeth also provides support to individuals and groups through an online course on Coping with Anxiety & Stress and through providing workshops. Elizabeth communicates about mental health and well-being through both the Narrating Hope newsletter and podcast as well as through her writing. Elizabeth would love to connect with you and welcomes you to sign up for the newsletter, listen in to the podcast, reach out about working together, and connect on social media.