Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

An Invitation to Play: Solidifying our Well-being as Adults through Play

Play brings about laughter and connection. Play integrates bodies and minds. Play connects people with one another, whether spouses, families, friends, or teams. Play is good for our nervous systems, encouraging us to not be on such high alert all the time. Play evokes wonder and our imaginations, a sense of creativity, and perhaps a belief that all things are possible.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Softening Your Inner Narrative With Self-Compassion

What does it feel like to be you in terms of the inner narrative that you hear in your head? Do you feel accepted and well with your body and with your internal state? Or are you rejecting yourself or parts of yourself as not good enough, not worthy, insufficient, incapable, not measuring up, or even bad or shameful?

That’s where self-compassion is transformative. In essence it’s turning that compassion that we can often feel more naturally towards others towards ourselves. It’s our ability to accept ourselves, nurture, and receive ourselves with kindness.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Feeling Overwhelmed: How Simplifying May Support Feeling Better

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Or perhaps more like you live in a constant state of overwhelm? This may show up as feeling like you can hardly take a breath or like your head is barely above water. This may feel like you are treading water, but not getting anywhere.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Breathing Room in Relationships

It’s not that there is a perfect formula or an exact art to healthy relationships, but there are some significant signposts along the way that can help you know you are moving in the right direction--towards differentiation of self, yet connectedness with others.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Life Transitions: Grounding Yourself in the Midst of the Unknown

While certain life transitions and adjustments can be exciting at times, they also can be incredibly difficult as they can rock us to the core around who we are and what grounds us. And yet there is an invitation in the midst of a life transition to dig deep towards what we know to be true.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Self-Care during a Time of Global Crisis

As we as a society walk through the pandemic of the Coronavirus, we all face challenges that leave us in a vulnerable place emotionally, mentally, and for many, financially.

While it is hard to imagine that flourishing and thriving are even possible right now when most of us are understandably in a survival mode, there are stances that we can take that put us in a posture of hope and movement forward through this challenging time.

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