Letting Go of Perfection and Embracing Self-Compassion in Parenting

In an age where images abound around us, through social media, Pinterest, and various websites, it’s easy to feel like we fall short of perfection all the time. Yet, perfection is not real. It is not the gold standard of what we “should” be. There’s a better way…Read more here.


Elizabeth B. Burton is a licensed professional counselor and life coach with Burton Counseling, PLLC. Elizabeth lives just outside of Chattanooga, TN., and you can learn about Elizabeth here. You can learn more about working directly with Elizabeth here. Elizabeth also provides support to individuals and groups through an online course on Coping with Anxiety & Stress and through providing workshops. Elizabeth communicates about mental health and well-being through both the Narrating Hope newsletter and podcast as well as through her writing. Elizabeth would love to connect with you and welcomes you to sign up for the newsletter, listen in to the podcast, reach out about working together, and connect on social media.


Softening Anxiety’s Grip By Holding Things Lightly


Embracing Uncertainty Through the Lens of Wonder